Well, as you know, I'm seriously obsessed with shoes. From 1" to 6" in every color, in every style. They are my passion for fashion. I'd love to make my own footprint in the shoe industry one day. Well, my mother bought me this calendar for christmas, this shoe calendar (SHOES-page.a.day-gallery calendar-2009), and everyday for every month, a different pair of shoes is displayed. So, since school has started back up and I finally feel back at peace in my room, I figured I'd share the shoes on my blog. (It's weird how I can find such creativity with the shut of my door..just sitting on the floor..listening to nothing but my thoughts&ideas..in just one long stream of crazy collective consciousness) Well, all these shoes simply inspire me and hopefully they'll inspire you, from head to toe ;)

red leather mary janes - Andre Courreges - 1968
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